January Highlight Reel

January came and went so quickly! It took me a little while to put this video together, but I finished it before the month of February ended so that seems like a good accomplishment to me! :)

After the holidays, January was pretty relaxed. Lots of days at home reading books, wrestling, and having uncle Mike & Dan over for dinner. We explored some new places like the Provo Rec Center indoor pool and a trampoline park that Will LOVED. There were cars, balls, trampolines, foam pits, slides . . . basically kid heaven.

Oh, and there was lots of dancing to Hakuna Matata in January!! How could I forget that!? Words can't describe how much he loves that song. He especially loved listening and dancing to it with the Skonnards and Watkins.

We love and cherish the moments in these videos. They capture William, his phases and obsessions, so well. I can't believe how fast he's growing into a little boy. . . so I'm holding on to every detail of my lion-obsessed, full-of-energy, giggly toddler of mine while I can!